Super Bootleg Podcast 7
5 years ago

A Bootleg Primer (Ft. Super Maruo)

An overview of the history of bootlegs with a few absurd pit stops!


In this episode, RecD gives a rambling lecture on the history of Bootleg Games, Moop assigns Mario's Porn Star name, and the tragic backstory of Carl from the Simpsons is revealed.

NOTE: This episode discusses "Super Maruo", a pornographic famicom game, due to being the first ever truly unlicensed console video game ever produced, and holding historical value on that merit alone. We at Super Bootleg Podcast 7 do not praise or condone any of the actions or subject matter contained therein.

We at Super Bootleg Podcast 7 also do not condone the illegal copying and/or sale of trademarked characters and video games. We simply wish to analyze and satirize strange and unusual bootlegs from the 8 and 16-bit eras of video gaming.